baking · Dating · easy · eggs · gluten free · healthy · quick · snacks

Egg Muffins and Validating Emotions

I'm frustrated. There are these 2 guys I'm dating... I guess... I mean, if you can call it that. One hasn't been available in a few weeks (though he checks in via text fairly regularly), and the other is just kind of a mess. I can openly write about this because neither of them have… Continue reading Egg Muffins and Validating Emotions

dog treats · easy · healthy · quick · snacks · vegetarian

Homemade Dog Treat Muffins

I taught my first yoga class last weekend. And by first, I mean my first class in a studio that was on the actual schedule (vs. just teaching for practice in my apartment). Guys... it was fucking magic. Let me just say that seeing everyone in Savasana at the end is really moving. I had… Continue reading Homemade Dog Treat Muffins